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Mouth Mirror

What we do


Below is just a small selection of some of the appliances we make. Please give us a call for any details or if yourself or patient has any specific needs. 

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Private F/F Dentures 

This is a job that our wonderful technician has made for one of our clients. Our client had asked for an irregular looking set with edge to edge occlusion.


*note this job is at try in stage 


NHS P/P Dentures

This is a job that our technician has made for a client who's patient had a wedding to go to. This job was treated as an express job and was finished in time for our technicians to make the patient smile. 



All porcelain crowns 

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These are some crowns our amazing crown technicians made for a patient who wanted to update their smile. 

Cobalt Chrome

Chrome skeleton

Our fantastic chrome technician has made this skeleton for another laboratory. This will be turned into a finished denture in the next few weeks. 




Thermoforming Appliances 

These are a just a small selection of
what different 
colours and patterns

we offer on our gumshields here 

at C&K, perfect for sports,

schooling and other activities. 



Thermoforming Appliances 

Our retainers are finished with a scalloped edge for comfort and can be turned around for the next day, perfect for any mishaps or losses of orthodontic retainers. 

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