Private F/F Dentures
This is a job that our wonderful technician has made for one of our clients. Our client had asked for an irregular looking set with edge to edge occlusion.
*note this job is at try in stage
NHS P/P Dentures
This is a job that our technician has made for a client who's patient had a wedding to go to. This job was treated as an express job and was finished in time for our technicians to make the patient smile.
All porcelain crowns
These are some crowns our amazing crown technicians made for a patient who wanted to update their smile.
Cobalt Chrome
Chrome skeleton
Our fantastic chrome technician has made this skeleton for another laboratory. This will be turned into a finished denture in the next few weeks.
Thermoforming Appliances
These are a just a small selection of
what different colours and patterns
we offer on our gumshields here
at C&K, perfect for sports,
schooling and other activities.
Thermoforming Appliances
Our retainers are finished with a scalloped edge for comfort and can be turned around for the next day, perfect for any mishaps or losses of orthodontic retainers.